IBM MQ: How to Show Permissions with dspmqaut Command

IBM MQ is a messaging middleware that allows applications to communicate with each other across different platforms and operating systems. It provides a reliable, secure, and scalable way to transfer data between systems, applications, and services. One of the key features of IBM MQ is its ability to manage permissions and access control, which ensures that only authorized users can access the messaging system.

The dspmqaut command is a powerful tool that allows administrators to view the permissions and access control settings for IBM MQ objects, such as queues, channels, and topics. This command provides a detailed report of the access control settings for a particular object, including the users and groups that have permission to access it, the type of access they have, and the level of authority they possess.

Overview of IBM MQ

IBM MQ, formerly known as WebSphere MQ, is a messaging middleware that enables applications to communicate with each other across different platforms, operating systems, and programming languages. It provides a reliable and secure way to exchange data between distributed systems and applications.

IBM MQ is designed to handle high volumes of messages, ensuring that they are delivered promptly and securely. It supports a variety of messaging patterns, including point-to-point, publish-subscribe, and request-reply.

IBM MQ uses a client-server architecture, where applications communicate with the middleware through a client library. The middleware, in turn, manages the message transfer between the clients and the queues. The queues act as a buffer between the senders and receivers, allowing messages to be stored until they are retrieved by the intended recipient.

IBM MQ provides a range of features to ensure message integrity, security, and availability. It supports encryption, digital signatures, and authentication mechanisms to protect messages from unauthorized access. It also provides high availability and disaster recovery capabilities, allowing messages to be replicated across multiple instances of the middleware.

Understanding Permissions in IBM MQ

IBM MQ is a messaging middleware that allows applications to communicate with each other through a message queue. In order to ensure the security of the messages being transferred, IBM MQ provides a robust permissions system that allows administrators to control who can access specific queues and topics, and what actions they can perform on them.

Permissions in IBM MQ are defined using a combination of a principal, an object, and an operation. The principal is the user or group that is being granted or denied access, the object is the queue or topic being accessed, and the operation is the action being performed, such as putting a message or getting a message.

IBM MQ provides a number of built-in roles that can be used to grant permissions to groups of users. These roles include the MQ Administrator role, which has full access to all queues and topics, and the MQ Developer role, which has read and write access to specific queues and topics.

The dspmqaut command is a useful tool for administrators to view the permissions that have been granted to a particular user or group. This command can be used to display the permissions for a specific object, or for all objects in a particular queue manager.

Using the dspmqaut Command to Show Permissions

The dspmqaut command is a useful tool for displaying the permissions that are set on an IBM MQ object. This command can be used to show the access that a particular user or group has to a queue, topic, or other object. To use the dspmqaut command, simply enter the following command in a terminal window: “` dspmqaut -m QMGRNAME -t OBJECTTYPE -n OBJECTNAME -g GROUPNAME -p PRINCIPALNAME “` Where QMGRNAME is the name of the queue manager, OBJECTTYPE is the type of object (e.g., queue or topic), OBJECTNAME is the name of the object, GROUPNAME is the name of the group, and PRINCIPALNAME is the name of the user. The output of the dspmqaut command will show the permissions that are set for the specified user or group. This can be useful for troubleshooting issues related to access control or for auditing purposes. It is also possible to use the dspmqaut command to show the permissions that are set for all users or groups. To do this, simply omit the -g and -p options from the command. In addition to the dspmqaut command, there are other tools available for managing access control in IBM MQ, such as the setmqaut and dmpmqaut commands. These tools can be used to set and display permissions in bulk, making it easier to manage access control for large numbers of users and objects.

Examples of Using dspmqaut Command

The dspmqaut command is a powerful tool for showing permissions in IBM MQ. Here are some examples of how to use it:

Example 1:

To display the permissions for a specific user, use the following command:

dspmqaut -m MQSERVER -t queue -n QUEUE.NAME -p USERNAMEThis command shows the permissions for USERNAME on the QUEUE.NAME queue of the MQSERVER queue manager.

Example 2:

To display the permissions for a specific group, use the following command:

dspmqaut -m MQSERVER -t queue -n QUEUE.NAME -g GROUPNAMEThis command shows the permissions for GROUPNAME on the QUEUE.NAME queue of the MQSERVER queue manager.

Example 3:

To display the permissions for all users and groups on a specific queue, use the following command:

dspmqaut -m MQSERVER -t queue -n QUEUE.NAME -allThis command shows the permissions for all users and groups on the QUEUE.NAME queue of the MQSERVER queue manager.

Example 4:

To display the permissions for all users and groups on all queues, use the following command:

dspmqaut -m MQSERVER -t queue -allThis command shows the permissions for all users and groups on all queues of the MQSERVER queue manager.


IBM MQ is a reliable messaging platform that offers a wide range of functionalities to users. It is essential to ensure that the right permissions are granted to users to ensure that they can access the resources they need. The dspmqaut command is a powerful tool that can be used to display the permissions granted to users and groups.

By using the dspmqaut command, administrators can quickly identify any potential security vulnerabilities and take the necessary steps to address them. This can help to prevent unauthorized access to critical resources and ensure that the messaging platform remains secure and reliable.

Overall, the dspmqaut command is an essential tool for any IBM MQ administrator. It provides a quick and easy way to check permissions and ensure that the messaging platform remains secure and reliable. By using this command, administrators can ensure that users have the appropriate level of access to the resources they need, while also maintaining the highest levels of security.