Creating Channels in IBM MQ using the Define Channel Command

IBM MQ is an industry-standard messaging middleware that enables applications to communicate with each other across a variety of platforms and operating systems. It provides a reliable and secure way to exchange data between applications, whether they are running on the same machine or different machines in different locations.

One of the key features of IBM MQ is its ability to create channels that allow messages to be sent and received between two endpoints. The define channel command is used to create a channel definition that specifies the properties of the channel, such as its name, the endpoints it connects, and the protocol it uses.

By using the define channel command, administrators can easily configure channels to meet the specific needs of their applications. This can include setting up secure connections using SSL/TLS, specifying the maximum message size, and controlling the flow of messages between the endpoints. With IBM MQ and the define channel command, organizations can ensure that their applications are able to communicate reliably and securely, even in complex and distributed environments.


Prior to creating a channel using the define channel command, certain prerequisites must be met. These include:

  • Having appropriate permissions to access IBM MQ
  • Ensuring that the necessary ports are open and accessible
  • Having a basic understanding of IBM MQ concepts and terminology
  • Having a clear understanding of the purpose and requirements of the channel being created

It is important to note that creating a channel using the define channel command requires a certain level of technical expertise. Therefore, it is recommended that only experienced users with a thorough understanding of IBM MQ attempt to create channels using this method.

In addition to these prerequisites, it is also recommended that users have a backup and recovery plan in place in case of any unexpected issues or failures during the channel creation process. This can help to minimize downtime and ensure that critical business operations are not impacted.

Defining a channel using the DEFINE CHANNEL command

IBM MQ allows users to define channels that enable communication between two queue managers. The DEFINE CHANNEL command is used to create a channel definition that specifies the characteristics of the channel. To define a channel using the DEFINE CHANNEL command, the user must specify the channel name, the type of channel, the transmission protocol, the connection type, and the channel attributes. The following table lists the parameters used in the DEFINE CHANNEL command:

CHANNELThe name of the channel to be defined
CHLTYPEThe type of channel, such as SVRCONN, CLNTCONN, or SDR
TRPTYPEThe transmission protocol, such as TCP, LU62, or HTTP
CONNAMEThe connection name, which specifies the IP address and port number of the remote queue manager
QMANAGERThe name of the local queue manager
MAXMSGLThe maximum message length that can be sent over the channel
DESCRA description of the channel

Once the channel definition has been created, it can be started using the START CHANNEL command. The channel can then be used to send and receive messages between the two queue managers. It is important to note that the security settings for the channel must be configured properly to ensure that only authorized users can access the channel. This can be done using the SET CHLAUTH command to define channel authentication rules. In summary, the DEFINE CHANNEL command is a powerful tool that allows users to create channels that facilitate communication between queue managers. By specifying the channel name, type, transmission protocol, connection type, and channel attributes, users can create customized channels that meet their specific needs.

Parameters for the DEFINE CHANNEL command

The DEFINE CHANNEL command is used to create a channel in IBM MQ. The command requires several parameters to be specified, including:

  • CHANNEL(NAME) – Specifies the name of the channel to be created. This parameter is required.
  • CHLTYPE – Specifies the type of channel to be created. This parameter is required and can be set to one of the following values:
    • SVRCONN – Server connection channel
    • CLNTCONN – Client connection channel
    • CLUSRCVR – Cluster receiver channel
    • CLUSRCVR – Cluster sender channel
  • CONNAME – Specifies the IP address or hostname of the remote queue manager to which the channel will connect. This parameter is required for client connection channels.
  • TRPTYPE – Specifies the transport type to be used for the channel. This parameter is optional and can be set to one of the following values:
    • TCP – Transmission Control Protocol
    • LU62 – LU 6.2
  • DESCR – Specifies a description for the channel. This parameter is optional.
  • MAXMSGL – Specifies the maximum message length for the channel. This parameter is optional.
  • SSLCAUTH – Specifies the level of SSL authentication required for the channel. This parameter is optional and can be set to one of the following values:
    • NONE – No SSL authentication required
    • REQUIRED – SSL authentication required
    • OPTIONAL – SSL authentication optional

When creating a channel using the DEFINE CHANNEL command, it is important to ensure that all required parameters are specified and that the values for each parameter are valid. Failure to do so can result in errors and prevent the channel from functioning correctly.

It is also important to note that some parameters are specific to certain channel types. For example, the CONNAME parameter is required for client connection channels, but not for server connection channels. Similarly, the MAXMSGL parameter is not applicable to cluster sender or receiver channels.

Examples of using the DEFINE CHANNEL command

IBM MQ allows users to define channels using the DEFINE CHANNEL command. This command can be used to create channels that are unidirectional or bidirectional, and with or without encryption. Here are a few examples of how to use the DEFINE CHANNEL command:

Example 1: Defining a unidirectional channel

To define a unidirectional channel, use the following command:

DEFINE CHANNEL(CHANNEL1)Defines a unidirectional channel named CHANNEL1

This command creates a channel named CHANNEL1 that can be used to send messages from one queue manager to another.

Example 2: Defining a bidirectional channel

To define a bidirectional channel, use the following command:

DEFINE CHANNEL(CHANNEL2) CHLTYPE(SDR) TRPTYPE(TCP)Defines a bidirectional channel named CHANNEL2 that uses TCP/IP as the transport type
DEFINE CHANNEL(CHANNEL2) CHLTYPE(RCVR) TRPTYPE(TCP)Defines a bidirectional channel named CHANNEL2 that uses TCP/IP as the transport type

This command creates a bidirectional channel named CHANNEL2 that can be used to send and receive messages between two queue managers. The first command creates a sender channel, while the second command creates a receiver channel.

Example 3: Defining an encrypted channel

To define an encrypted channel, use the following command:

DEFINE CHANNEL(CHANNEL3) CHLTYPE(SVRCONN) SSLCAUTH(REQUIRED)Defines an encrypted channel named CHANNEL3 that requires SSL client authentication

This command creates an encrypted channel named CHANNEL3 that requires SSL client authentication. This means that the client must have a valid SSL certificate to connect to the channel.


The define channel command is a powerful tool in IBM MQ that allows users to create channels for communication between queue managers. With this command, users can easily specify the properties of the channel and customize it to meet their specific needs.

By following the steps outlined in this article, users can create channels quickly and efficiently. The use of tables, bullet points, and other HTML tags can help format and convey information to the reader in a clear and concise manner.

Overall, the define channel command is an essential tool for anyone working with IBM MQ. It allows users to create channels with ease and customize them to meet their specific needs. With the help of this command, users can ensure that their communication between queue managers is secure, reliable, and efficient.